For anyone wanting to create stunning artwork with gorgeous harmonious colour - that gets you jumping for joy in your studio

Where to begin?


Sometimes it’s difficult to get started – that white canvas has you backing out of the studio before you’ve even cleared your workbench

And if you get past the stark canvas and actually put some paint down, you soon grind to a halt because you don’t know what to do next? 

You’re tired of always doing the same thing…. and getting the same results

And if you actually make something you like you get stuck trying to finish it – I like the bottom half but what do I do with the top?


but it really doesn't have to be THAT hard...

Wouldn’t it be nice... to be led, to be offered options, to be shown new techniques and ways of working?
Wouldn’t it be great... to watch an experienced artist problem-solve through a process so you can SEE how all those questions get answered by someone who knows how to finish a painting?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful... to be shown a tried and true painting process that removes fear and allows you to play and experiment freely, to discover new surprises and create work different from anything you’ve created before?
Wouldn’t you like to know... how to make fantastic colour choices – to be able to create a harmonious colour palette?  To be able to look at your work and know what colour to mix next to make it look even better?

Let's go on a creative journey together...




In this self-paced online course I will lead you on a journey in mixed media.  You will create a series of paintings using collage, acrylic paint and dry media integrating still life, pattern and line.

There are 19 videos to watch me creating my paintings. Step by step I guide and explain my choices and actions.

The process is broken down into easy to digest steps to follow, allowing you to learn new techniques and methods while also giving you options to make your work your own.

There is a special focus on Colour and how to create a harmonious colour palette.  You will learn a simple process to identify what colours to mix to make your work look super-YUMMY!!




✔️How to build a painting in layers using collage and mixed media

✔️How to create a harmonious colour palette using a simple repeatable process

✔️How to paint playfully and intuitively by responding to what is on the canvas so that you don't need to copy others

✔️A process to avoid fear and becoming too precious with your work so that you can finish it!

✔️How to save that 'problem-painting' and turn it into a favourite finished artwork

✔️How to respond to your finished work to find exciting ideas and next steps to move forward

✔️How to find YOUR style and create more authentic artwork that feels like YOURS

what's inside?



5 lessons on Colour: with demonstrations and practical exercises on mixing colour and creating colour harmony

In-depth teaching on how to identify what colour to mix next and how to create a colour HERO in your work 

16 step by step videos guiding you to create a series of related artworks

A downloadable Workbook with easy to follow Guidelines along with a PDF resource on Colour to hang on your studio wall

As well as:

  • Next Steps: How to work larger – when are you ready and what you need to consider when scaling up

  • Next Steps: Questions to help develop ideas into future work - I’ll give you a series of questions to consider so that you can identify your next steps and continue the momentum into future work


And a Bonus:

  • Saving a Problem Painting – watch Judy in a series of videos transform an ‘ugly mess’ into a richly coloured and textured finished painting.  Identifying the problems and deciding on solutions - a process that can easily be applied to any unfinished problematic work hiding away in the corner of your studio

And a Community

  • Membership to a private Facebook group

Hi! I'm Judy Woods, artist & founder of stARTs 

When I was 20 years old, I enrolled in art school with the desire to major in painting. 

I had very little experience and little to no confidence in myself. I felt like I didn’t belong in my classes.

At the end of my second year in art school, I was told that if I wanted to complete my degree, I would have to switch my major from painting to art history. 

This was a huge hit to my self-esteem. Instead of the beginning of my future, I felt like I’d arrived at the end of my dream. Not wanting to waste the 2 years I had spent in school so far, I completed the degree in art history. 

But in reality, I felt like a failure. 

I didn’t invite anyone to my graduation — hell, I didn’t even attend the Graduation Exhibition. 

 After graduation, I went into teaching and found that I loved it. I was great at teaching, but I was so busy with my students that my efforts to make time for my own paintings were sporadic at best (and usually interrupted by the million little demands of everyday life).

And when I started a family, life was even busier. Before I knew it, I hadn’t painted for myself in years.

Fast forward to 2016, and my father passed away. Thinking about how he had spent his life, I was suddenly confronted with my own mortality and realized that time was ticking by and I wasn’t pleased with my life. 

 Was gardening and making elaborate birthday cakes going to be the length and breadth of my creative endeavors?

When I started I was full of desire - but completely lost. Although I'd spent all my adult life involved in Art in some way, I had never pursued my own. Life, family, children, work had all taken priority over my passion. 

 Painting was what I loved to do most in life, and I had ignored it for years. 

So at my dining room table I began my journey to find ME in my artwork.  It wasn't easy; sleepless nights, self-doubt and uncertainty plagued this lonely endeavour.  But gradually, the path started to get easier.

 Within 3 years I was winning National awards and in 2021 was acclaimed internationally, winning 1st place in the Art2Life Online Exhibition. Since then I've exhibited in the US and UK as well as within New Zealand.

In 2021 I began teaching online with my fledgling stARTs course leading beginning to advanced artists through my process in order to find their own style of working without the self-doubt and anxiety that I had to overcome.

Since then, I have taught hundreds of artists and helped them simplify their process, find their own artistic style, and gain confidence in their work.

"I really love and appreciate your teaching style Judy! It’s easy to tell you’ve taught for years (and years!) with the way you explain, use other artists’ work as examples, and very clear with what you’re doing. Thanks for sharing with us!"


"This course has been a way in for me to learn the mechanics of painting and layering with acrylics/mixed media. I was able to follow your processes, whilst bringing in my own visual language into my paintings. You are very generous with your knowledge. Thank you Judy."


" I like your videos a lot. They are very detailed and easy to understand and I feel like someone is taken my hand and showing me the way.  That gives me a lot of confidence."




If you’re new to painting and finding it hard to know where to start

If you’re a seasoned artist but need a kickstart of inspiration, some fresh ideas to integrate into your work

If you’re tired of doing what you always do and seeing the same results, and want a new path - to learn some new techniques and methods

If you want to create abstract work but also don’t want to leave the still life/landscape/figure behind

If you’re tired of figuring it all out by yourself and would like to be led and given some options


Then you’ll find tons of value in mini-stARTs





  • Immediate access to all the content
  • Downloadable Workbook & PDF Guides
  • Membership to the stARTs private facebook community
  • Lifetime access


Join mini-stARTs 100% risk-free for 7 days


 I believe in you and your success through this mini-stARTs course so much, that if within the first 7 days, you decide this isn’t the course for you, I will refund your purchase. 
I believe your art will be transformed through the skills you develop through this training, and I hope you will give yourself and your art your very best effort. That’s why in order to be eligible for the mini-stARTs Money Back Guarantee, I want to make sure you gave it a chance.
If you’ve completed a minimum of 1 practical exercise from 1 module and don’t feel I’ve delivered on my promise, simply submit your work and reach out to me at [email protected] and I will refund your purchase. 



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